Coaticook / Basketball

Acti-Sports MRC de Coaticook 497 Rue Saint-Jean-Baptiste, Coaticook, Québec, Canada

Québec / Workshops on health and safety

155 boulevard Charest Est, Salle 1, 155 boulevard Charest Est, Salle 1, Québec, QC, Canada

Workshop 1 / 2: Ensuring a safe workplace for yourself and your colleagues Workshop 2 / 2: What to do in the event of a work-related accident or illness


Saint-Basile / Indoor soccer

Centre Ernest Papillon, Saint-Basile 100 rang Sainte-Angélique, Saint-Basile, Québec, Canada

Saint-Basile / Indoor soccer

Centre Ernest Papillon, Saint-Basile 100 rang Sainte-Angélique, Saint-Basile, Québec, Canada

Saint-Basile / Indoor soccer

Centre communautaire Ernest Papillon de St-Basile 100 Rang Ste Angélique, Saint-Basile, Québec, Canada