Québec / Intercultural outing to the Museum of Civilization

Musée de la civilisation 85 Rue Dalhousie, Québec, Québec, Canada

C'est notre histoire" exhibition Date: Saturday, November 25 Duration: 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. If you have a closed work permit, this activity is for you! We invite you to discover the roots of the province of Quebec. Come and see this beautiful exhibition, and at the end we'll share a snack and talk about... Read more


Virtual discussion evenings

En ligne

You are cordially invited to an evening virtual chat on Quebec culture and values as well as an information session on labour standards, health and safety. Every Monday and Wednesday from 7 to 8 pm. Registration: scerdeline@complx-immigration.ca + 1 438 368-4613


Virtual discussion evenings

En ligne

You are cordially invited to an evening virtual chat on Quebec culture and values as well as an information session on labour standards, health and safety. Every Monday and Wednesday from 7 to 8 pm. Registration: scerdeline@complx-immigration.ca + 1 438 368-4613


Online / Rendezvous with health: How to identify mental fatigue (Spanish)

En ligne

To help you learn how to take care of your physical and mental health, CAFLA organizes a virtual version of the "Rendezvous with Health", where every Thursday at 7.30pm, a live session is broadcast to address very important topics and answer your questions. Visit the "Trabajadores temporales CAFLA" Facebook page to take part: https://www.facebook.com/PTET.CAFLA


Coaticook / soccer

Gymnase Acti-sports 497 rue Saint-Jean-Baptiste, Coaticook, Québec, Canada

Sainte-Clotilde-de-Châteauguay / Christmas diner

Centre communautaire Sainte-Clotilde 824 2e Rang, Sainte-Clotilde-de-Châteauguay, Québec, Canada

Complexe X Immigration, organise un repas de retrouvailles pour les travailleurs étrangers. Nous vous attendons en grand nombre: employeurs et travailleurs étrangers pour partager ensemble ce moment convivial! Inscription par courriel requise: info@complx-immigration.ca


Coaticook / Basketball

Gymnase Acti-sports 497 rue Saint-Jean-Baptiste, Coaticook, Québec, Canada

Saint-Paul-d’Abbotsford / Happy Holidays Evening

Salle municipale de Saint-Paul-d'Abbotsford 35 Rue Codaire, Saint-Paul-d'Abbotsford, Québec, Canada

Inscriptions : https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=0_JvlIF-AUOMcJZzeTeuK9Z4nxmedR5FjMolHYNnFTdUMDZaRjBXTTlIS0dISjNLNVpEUjE2RUZCMC4u&origin=QRCode&qrcodeorigin=presentation