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Baie-Comeau + online / Group talk in French and English

Centre Emersion 22, Place La Salle, Baie-Comeau, Québec, Canada

Group talk Exchange and sharing of experience - Information session - Networking OCTOBER 28, 2023 6:00 - 8:00 pm 22 PLACE LA SALLE (EMERSION) & ONLINE Subscription mandatory


Virtual discussion evenings

En ligne

You are cordially invited to an evening virtual chat on Quebec culture and values as well as an information session on labour standards, health and safety. Every Monday and Wednesday from 7 to 8 pm. Registration: + 1 438 368-4613


Virtual discussion evenings

En ligne

You are cordially invited to an evening virtual chat on Quebec culture and values as well as an information session on labour standards, health and safety. Every Monday and Wednesday from 7 to 8 pm. Registration: + 1 438 368-4613


Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu / Day of the Dead

215 RUe Longueuil Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Québec, Canada

La Fête des Morts ou Día de Muertos est une fête nationale qui existe et subsiste depuis plus de 3000 ans. Durant cette période, le culte des morts est mythifié dans l’allégresse. Chaque année, des autels en l'honneur des proches décédés sont dressés dans toutes les maisons mexicaines. Inscrit au patrimoine culturel immatériel de l'humanité de l'Unesco et... Read more


Montmagny / Basketball

Gymnase de l'école Louis-Jacques Casault 141 Bd Taché E, Montmagny, Québec, Canada

Sherbrooke / Halloween – Day of the Dead

4115 rue Brodeur dans la salle De La Fontaine Sherbrooke, Québec, Canada

ATELIER PARTICIPATIF DE DIEMBÉ et REPAS SAMEDI 4 NOVEMBRE DÈS 16H 4115 rue Brodeur dans la salle De La Fontaine TÉLÉPHONE +1 (873)662-2630


Baie-Comeau / Latin Party

Restaurant bar Le Blues 48 PL. LA SALLE, BAIE-COMEAU, Baie-Comeau, Québec, Canada

Virtual discussion evenings

En ligne

You are cordially invited to an evening virtual chat on Quebec culture and values as well as an information session on labour standards, health and safety. Every Monday and Wednesday from 7 to 8 pm. Registration: + 1 438 368-4613


Virtual discussion evenings

En ligne

You are cordially invited to an evening virtual chat on Quebec culture and values as well as an information session on labour standards, health and safety. Every Monday and Wednesday from 7 to 8 pm. Registration: + 1 438 368-4613


Baie-Comeau / Festive evening

Polyvalente des Baies 40 ave. Michel-Émond, Baie-Comeau, Québec, Canada

St-Georges-de-Windsor / Dance evening 2023

Salle paroissiale, sous-sol de l'église, 489 rue principale St-Georges-de-Windsor, Québec, Canada

WITH THE ANIMATION OF DJ JUNIOROCK 489 rue principale St-Georges-de-Windsor, JOA 1J0 Parish hall, church basement