- General informations : +1 888 454-3998
- WhatsApp : +1 514 235-2765
WITH THE ANIMATION OF DJ JUNIOROCK 489 rue principale St-Georges-de-Windsor, JOA 1J0 Parish hall, church basement
Le dimanche 12 novembre 2023 à la salle municipale de Saint-Paul-d'Abbotsford 35, rue Codaire Saint-Paul-d'Abbotsford (Québec) J0E 1A0 Horaíre Atelier 1:11 h à 13 h Atelier 2 : 14 h à 16 h Maximum 12 à 15 participants par atelier Atelier bilingue (français et espagnol) donné par Doria Ortega Inscription obligatoire WhatsApp avec Liliana Salgado :... Read more
COME DISCOVER THE MEXICAN VERSION OF A QUEBEC FILM AND MEET ROUGEMONT'S FARM WORKERS! NOVEMBER 12, 2023 Drink and popcorn included 18H30 270, RANG LA GRANDE-CAROLINE ROUGEMONT (QUÉBEC) JOL 1MO SALLE DE LOISIRS REGISTRATION REQUIRED WhatsApp to Karla Duenas 438 390-2132 or via online form: https://mrcrouville.qc.ca/cinema/
You are cordially invited to an evening virtual chat on Quebec culture and values as well as an information session on labour standards, health and safety. Every Monday and Wednesday from 7 to 8 pm. Registration: scerdeline@complx-immigration.ca + 1 438 368-4613
You are cordially invited to an evening virtual chat on Quebec culture and values as well as an information session on labour standards, health and safety. Every Monday and Wednesday from 7 to 8 pm. Registration: scerdeline@complx-immigration.ca + 1 438 368-4613
You are cordially invited to an evening virtual chat on Quebec culture and values as well as an information session on labour standards, health and safety. Every Monday and Wednesday from 7 to 8 pm. Registration: scerdeline@complx-immigration.ca + 1 438 368-4613
✨ Vous êtes au Québec depuis moins de 24 mois ? Ce réseautage est fait pour vous ! Rejoignez-nous au réseautage des nouveaux arrivants Si vous avez récemment immigré au Québec en tant que travailleur temporaire, PVTiste, étudiant international ou résident permanent, Immigrant Québec et ses partenaires vous invitent à venir rencontrer d'autres personnes venues... Read more