Informing and supporting TFW, from farm to soccer field
Sandra Cerdeline arrived from Cameroon around ten years ago and remembers her early days as a newcomer: she felt she didn’t have all the information or resources she would have
Sandra Cerdeline arrived from Cameroon around ten years ago and remembers her early days as a newcomer: she felt she didn’t have all the information or resources she would have
Corn roast ! Plus an information session on labor standards, health and safety of temporary foreign workers. August 27th 1 to 5 pm Saint-Rémi Court Behind the community center of
FINAL OF THE INTER-FARM SOCCER TOURNAMENT and prize-giving ceremony, including an information session on labour standards and occupational health and safety. September 10, noon to 6 p.m. Saint-Rémi playground Behind
Every Sunday from 2 to 6 pm at Centre communautaire Sainte-Clothilde. Inscription : scerdeline@complx-immigration.ca / 438 368-4613
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